My dear brothers and sisters in Christ connected to Bright Hope Fellowship, I love you all. This is my final pastoral weekly letter as my time now comes to a close. What shall I say that I haven’t said already in scores of letters, hundreds and hundreds of announcements, in encouragements, meetings, sermons, teachings, and personal conversations?
I thank God for you. I thank God for the work He has been doing in you, for you, among you, and through you. Some have come to faith; some have been baptized. I have seen hurts healed. I have seen generous forgiveness and gracious generosity. I have seen lives changed by the grace, truth, and power we have in Jesus Christ. I have seen suffering, hardship, grief, travail, miraculous healing, significant spiritual growth, renewed hearts, profound answers to prayer, and what a privilege to walk with you all in journeying through the many seasons of life together. What a privilege I have had to be just one part of all the good God has been doing in your hearts, lives, and among us as a community of Jesus followers over the past years.
I thank God for your generous love for my family and myself. Thank you, thank you, thank you all!!! I have carried our church family in my heart, and I know a number of you carry us in yours. What a sweet, sweet privilege that we have to share in this wonderful experience of grace in being part of God’s family together. How does God love people like us? He loves us wonderfully, beautifully, magnificently, generously, compassionately, powerfully, unconditionally, faithfully, patiently, mercifully. His love walks with us through it all; His love never fails. Great is God’s faithfulness!
Throughout my time among you, I have preached Christ crucified. I have not ceased declaring to you the Good News we have together uniquely in our King, our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have not hesitated to call you out to be transformed by the mighty grace and truth we have together in King Jesus. Jesus made you new when you crossed the line of faith, and Jesus continues to make you new – that is, to make you more and more fully like Him.
Following Jesus is much more than that initial decision to surrender and trust Christ as Savior and Lord; following Jesus is about ongoing, continuing life transformation and change. Following Jesus is about God’s work in you all together, but it is also about so, so much more.
God has Bright Hope Fellowship where it is for a reason. You all together are here for them! Who are they? The broken, lost, hurting, lonely, depressed, anxious in our communities; the spiritually wayward and the seekers and those who have never darkened the door of a building where people gather to worship Jesus. You all together are certainly here to grow together in the grace of God. But you are just as importantly here together for these others, that they too may know, love, and follow Jesus. That they too may experience the healing, comfort, grace, truth, mercy, kindness, patience of God. That they may know and be transformed by the saving love, power, grace, and truth of our King Jesus – a love that is beyond mere ideas and information. Jesus’ love is a love that cannot be sequestered to just one or a couple small areas of your life. Rather, His love is a love that rescues and changes us from the inside out.
My brothers and sisters, I urge you, do not hoard the grace of God and the blessings of the Gospel. Find ways to encourage each other together and ways together to reach the ones who are not yet here. May you find ways together to love them as Christ first loved you.
With love for you all,
Pastor Jeremy