I want each of you is to be deeply rooted and well-grounded in Jesus. In a recent conversation with friends, we discussed these matters. The nature of being well grounded and deeply rooted in Christ is not something that comes about automatically or instantly. When you cross the line of faith, you are certainly in Christ. But just like a newly planted sapling, your roots are not immediately deep and strong. We agreed that being deeply rooted results in a life where, more than anything else, you desire to make Christ happy for His sake. You love Jesus and want to please Him, even more so than you wish to please or even appease your closest family and friends.
The importance of being well grounded and deeply rooted in Christ is crucial in a fallen world. Sin has deeply impacted us. Sin is not an impersonal force. Rather, sin is choosing against the words, ways, and values of King Jesus. The combined effects of the sin of others over thousands of years has resulted in great harm even from the moment of our conception. Because of sin, we are born with bodies that decay and die. Because of sin, we are born selfish and with desires, tendencies, and wirings that are not the original good way that God had made us. We are still born with some capacities to love, give, forgive, persevere, etc.: these are vestiges and remnants of God’s image in us, however marred that image may be. The effects of sin are not total, but they are much more far-reaching than most are willing or prone to admit. This breaks our hearts, but it breaks God’s heart most of all.
We must be deeply rooted in Christ because in our messy world, trouble is a reality we cannot escape. Tragic loss, harsh medical realities, war, abuse, crime, starvation, bankruptcy, our own broken tendencies and bad choices – the list goes on and on: we have experienced some really hard things, and we are bound to experience more until King Jesus returns and makes all things new. When our roots in Christ are shallow, weak, malnourished, torn, diseased, or under-developed, our ability to stand strong and persevere in such adverse environments is very low.
Finally, our conversation outlined three particular areas (and here I will add a fourth) that are crucial elements of being deeply rooted and well-grounded in Jesus Christ. First is the category of faith/trust/belief that results in deep surrender to Jesus. We all exercise faith, and we all surrender our hearts to someone or something. When we are in Christ, we seek to cultivate a growing trust in and a deepening surrender to Jesus. Second is knowledge: we are called to know and grow in the knowledge of God. The primary resource God has given to us are the words of Jesus, which includes all the words from Genesis through Revelation. These God-breathed words are to shape our thinking, being, and doing. They are to shape our desires, wills, and intentions, as well as our worldview and more. These inspired words first and foremost help us connect intimately and relationally to Jesus, and they help us surrender to and walk with Jesus. Third, the frequency and regularity of our practices, pathways, and methods of authentically connecting with Jesus have a huge impact on the depth and strength of our roots. The less intentional you are in habitually cultivating a deep love relationship with Christ, the harder it will be for you to stand. The fourth element I will add here is the presence, power, and work of the Holy Spirit in us. God does the heavy lifting when it comes to our walk in Christ, yet we are called to cooperate intentionally with Him.
As you think about the areas of faith in Christ, knowledge of Christ, your regular pathways of connecting to Jesus, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit, how well grounded would you say you are? No matter where you are, God’s grace is mighty enough to heal, restore, save, strengthen, and help you as you reach out to Him. Jesus loves you to the maximum.
Pastor Jeremy